角膜ジストロフィーは、多様な両側遺伝性疾患および非炎症性疾患の一つのグループである。臨床的にこれらの疾患は、表在性角膜ジストロフィー、間質性角膜ジストロフィー、および後部角膜ジストロフィーの3つのグループにカテゴリー化され、さらに下位カテゴリー化もされる。斑状角膜ジストロフィー(MCD)は、間質性角膜ジストロフィーの下位カテゴリーである。炭水化物(N-アセチルグルコサミン 6-O)スルホトランスフェラーゼ6(CHST6)遺伝子の突然変異は通常、MCDの原因となる。しかし、すべてのMCD症例は、CHST6コーディング領域の変異、上流領域での除去/置換、またはスプライス部位の変異によってスプライシング信号喪失につながるスプライス部位の変異により、説明することができない。
Corneal dystrophies are diverse bilateral genetic and non-inflammatory diseases limited to the cornea. Clinically, it is categorized into three groups; superficial corneal dystrophy, corneal stromal dystrophy, and posterior corneal dystrophy which are further subcategorized into other classes. Macular corneal dystrophy (MCD) is a subcategory of corneal stromal dystrophies. Mutation in carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine6-O) sulfotransferase 6 (CHST6) gene is usually responsible for MCD. However, all MCD cases can be explained by mutations in CHST6 coding region, deletion or replacement in the upstream region, or mutations in splice sites resulting in loss of splicing signal.
RP is a disease with a variety of disorders. Some patients show symptoms of vision loss during childhood while some others live without any symptoms. Most cases present classical symptoms of difficulties with adapting to darkness and night blindness (niatalopia) in oldage and loss of vision in early adolescence. Following the disease progression, they lose their distant peripheral vision, tunnel vision, and finally central vision which usually occurs at the age of sixty. The reduction of ROD and CONE is similar in other types. Sometimes the decrease in CONE is greater than that in ROD which is then called cone-rod degeneration, a form of RP in which the loss of vision and defects in color vision are the predominant initial symptoms.
- [単語の選択]この場合の単語選択の強化は、フレーズの専門的な正確さを向上させるためのものです。
- [SME]既知の事実ですが、このフレーズを使用すると冗長になるため、省略しました。
- [繰り返し・冗長性]同じ意味を持つ単語やフレーズが繰り返されると、文章の読みやすさが損なわれます。ここでは、"subcategorized "という言葉で十分に意図した意味を伝えることができる。
- [スペース]専門用語の使用形式が間違っています。「N-acetylglucosamine-6-O-sulfotransferase」とすべきです。
- [誤訳]意図した意味と異なっていました
- [訳抜け]重要な情報が省略されており、著者の意図する意味が伝わっていませんでした。
- [不正確なスペル]専門用語のスペルが間違っていました
- [専門的な正確性]ここで「develop」を加えることで、文章の読みやすさと専門的な信頼性が向上します。意図した意味がよく伝わっています。
Corneal dystrophies are a group of diverse bilateral genetic and non-inflammatory diseases. Clinically, it is categorized into three groups, superficial corneal dystrophy, corneal stromal dystrophy, and posterior corneal dystrophy, which are further subcategorized. Macular corneal dystrophy (MCD) is a subcategory of corneal stromal dystrophy. Mutation in carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine 6-O) sulfotransferase 6 (CHST6) gene is usually responsible for MCD. However, all MCD cases cannot be explained by mutations in the CHST6 coding region, deletion/replacement in the upstream region, or mutations in splice sites resulting in splicing signal loss.
RP is a disease that causes various disorders. Some patients show symptoms of loss of vision during childhood, whereas others do not show any symptoms until middle age. Most patients present with classic symptoms, such as difficulty in adapting to darkness and night blindness ( nyctalopia) in old age as well as loss of vision in early adolescence. With disease progression, they lose their distant peripheral vision, develop tunnel vision, and finally lose their central vision, which usually occurs around 60 years of age. The reduction in rod and cone is similar in other types Sometimes, the decrease in cones is greater than that in rods, which is then called conerod degeneration, a form of RP in which the loss of vision and defects in color vision are the predominant initial symptoms.
修正ポイント |
Cornealdystrophies are a group of 1diverse bilateral geneticand non-inflammatory diseases limited to the cornea. 2. Clinically,it is categorized into three groups; , superficialcorneal dystrophy, corneal stromal dystrophy, and posterior corneal dystrophy,which are further subcategorized into other classes.3.Macular corneal dystrophy (MCD) is a subcategory of corneal stromal dystrophies.dystrophy.Mutation in carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine6-4acetylglucosamine6-O) sulfotransferase 6 (CHST6) gene is usually responsible for MCD. However, all MCD cases can5cannot be explainedby mutations in the CHST6 coding region, deletion or /replacementin the upstream region, or mutations in splice sites resulting in loss of splicingsignalloss.
RP is adisease witha variety ofthat causes various disorders. Somepatients show symptoms of loss of vision loss duringchildhoodwhile some, whereas others live withoutdo not showany symptoms. until middle age.6Most casespatientspresent classicalwith classicsymptomsof difficulties with, such as difficulty in adapting to darkness and night blindness (niatalopia7 nyctalopia) in oldage andold age as wellas loss of vision in early adolescence. Following theWithdisease progression, they lose their distant peripheral vision, develop 8tunnel vision, and finally lose their central vision,which usually occurs at the agearound 60 years of sixty.age.The reduction of RODin rod and CONE cone issimilar in other types. Sometimes, the decrease in CONEconesis greater than that in RODrods, which is thencalled cone-rodconeroddegeneration, a form of RP in which the loss of vision and defects in colorvision are the predominant initial symptoms.
- [単語の選択]この場合の単語選択の強化は、フレーズの専門的な正確さを向上させるためのものです。
- [SME]既知の事実ですが、このフレーズを使用すると冗長になるため、省略しました。
- [繰り返し・冗長性]同じ意味を持つ単語やフレーズが繰り返されると、文章の読みやすさが損なわれます。ここでは、"subcategorized "という言葉で十分に意図した意味を伝えることができる。
- [主語と動詞の一致]複数形の代名詞は複数形の名詞の代わりになります。この例では、代名詞 "it "は単数形ですが、"corneal dystrophies "は複数形であるため、複数形の代名詞が必要となります。
- [言語]文章がよりよく言い換えられていて、読みやすくなっています。
- [スペース]専門用語の使用形式が間違っています。「N-acetylglucosamine-6-O-sulfotransferase」とすべきです。
- [誤訳]意図した意味と異なっていました
- [訳抜け]重要な情報が省略されており、著者の意図する意味が伝わっていませんでした。
- [不正確なスペル]専門用語のスペルが間違っていました
- [明確さ]この文章は、読みやすさとわかりやすさを向上させるために、よりよく言い換えられ、再構成されています。
- [専門的な正確性]ここで「develop」を加えることで、文章の読みやすさと専門的な信頼性が向上します。意図した意味がよく伝わっています。
- [言語]コンマで区切られた複数の構成要素からなる文の場合、各構成要素には正しい動詞が必要です。この場合、"lose "という動詞は3つの構成要素すべてに当てはまらないため、文章を正確に修正しました。
- [専門用語の選択]より分かりやすく、読みやすくするために、完全な用語を使用しています。
- [単語選択の向上]文法と言葉の選択を向上させるすることで、より強調された文章になります。
- [句読点]ハイフン(–))の代わりにエンダッシュ(-)が使われることが多いですが、これは2つのものが同じくらい重要であることを示すためです(rods と conesは、ここで変性が異なっていても同じくらい重要です)。
Corneal dystrophies are a group of diverse bilateral genetic and non-inflammatory diseases. Clinically, these diseases are categorized into three groups, namely superficial corneal dystrophy, corneal stromal dystrophy, and posterior corneal dystrophy; these groups are further subcategorized. One subcategory of corneal stromal dystrophy is macular corneal dystrophy (MCD), which is characterized by bilateral cloudy regions within a hazy stroma, eventually leading to severe visual impairment. Mutation in the carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine 6-O) sulfotransferase 6 (CHST6) gene is typically responsible for MCD. However, it is also caused by other factors, and all cases of MCD cannot be explained by mutations in the CHST6 coding region, deletion/replacement in the upstream region, or mutations in splice sites that result in splicing signal loss.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a disease that causes various disorders. Some patients show symptoms of loss of vision during childhood, whereas others do not show any symptoms until middle age. Most patients present with classic symptoms such as night blindness (nyctalopia) and difficulty in adapting to darkness in old age and loss of vision in early adolescence. With advanced disease progression, patients lose their distant peripheral vision, develop tunnel vision, and finally lose their central vision, which usually occurs around 60 years of age. The reduction in rod and cone photoreceptors is similar among other types of RP disorders. Sometimes, the decrease in cones is greater than that in rods, which is called cone–rod degeneration, a form of RP in which loss of vision and defects in color vision are the predominant initial symptoms.
修正ポイント |
Cornealdystrophies are a group of 1diverse bilateral geneticand non-inflammatory diseases limited to the cornea. 2. Clinically,itthese diseases isare categorized into three groups; , namely superficial corneal dystrophy, cornealstromal dystrophy, and posterior corneal dystrophy, which these groups 4are further subcategorized into other classes.3. OneMacular cornealdystrophy (MCD) is a subcategory ofcorneal stromal dystrophies.dystrophy is macular corneal dystrophy (MCD),. which is characterizedby bilateral cloudy regions within a hazy stroma, eventually leading to severe visual impairment5. Mutation in the carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine6-acetylglucosamine6-6O) sulfotransferase 6 (CHST6) gene is typicallyusuallyresponsible for MCD. However, it is also caused byother factors, and all MCD cases of MCD cancannot7be explained by mutations in the CHST6 coding region, deletion or /replacementin the upstream region, or mutations in splice sites resultingthat result inloss of splicingsignalloss.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a disease with a variety ofthat causes various disorders. Some patients show symptoms of loss of visionloss duringchildhoodwhile some, whereas others live withoutdo not showany symptoms. until middle age.8Most casespatientspresent classicalwith classicsymptomsof difficulties with, such asnight blindness (nyctalopia) and9 difficulty in adaptingto darkness and night blindness (in niatalopia nyctalopia)oldage andold age as well asand10 loss of vision in early adolescence. Following theWith advanced disease progression, theypatientslose their distant peripheral vision, develop 11tunnel vision, and finally lose their central vision,which usually occurs at the agearound 60 years of sixty.12age.The reduction of RODin rod and CONE cone photoreceptors is similar amongin othertypes. of RP disorders.14 Sometimes,the decrease in CONEcones13 is greaterthan that in RODrods,which is then called cone-rodcone-rod15degeneration, a form of RP in which the lossof vision and defects in color vision are the predominant initial symptoms.