


喘鳴および息切れは、気管支喘息の主な症状である。喘息患者は、白血球からの超酸化物産生量の増加および脂質過酸化物生成量の増加を示すが、これは両方とも酸化ストレスの増加の指標である。アスコルビン酸は、フリーラジカルを直接中和する重要な抗酸化物質である。したがって、この物質は喘息患者の肺におけるレドックス(reduction and oxidation;Redox)制御を維持するために持続的に使用される。Hatchらは、アスコルビン酸が肺の気道表面粘膜に存在する主要な抗酸化物質であり、内因性および外因性酸化物質から肺を保護することを示唆した。本研究では、喘鳴のある小児においてアスコルビン酸濃度が低いことを確認したが、これは正常な生理機能であると同時に酸化ラジカルの連続生成を克服し、外因性酸化物質を中和するためにアスコルビン酸が多く利用されていることに起因する可能性がある。したがって、アスコルビン酸欠乏は、喘息の病態生理学的または気道炎症に対する反応における根本的要因である可能性がある。喘鳴のある小児においてアスコルビン酸濃度が低いことを確認した本研究の結果は、先行研究の結果とも一致している。これらの研究において著者らは、血漿アスコルビン酸レベルの低下が、身体の防御機構の維持、および組織の完全性、置換、および治癒過程における役割を含む正常な生理学的機能によるものであると報告している。風邪による呼吸粘膜の破壊およびそれに伴う組織中のアスコルビン酸濃度の低下は、さらに粘膜表面の治癒を遅らせ、これが喘息の長期症状につながる可能性がある。ある研究では、喘息患者において、抗酸化ビタミン類の血清濃度は、疾患が無症候性の期間であっても、減少することが報告された。したがって、この減少は、脂質過酸化物の生成によって反映される酸化ストレスの増加だけが原因ではない。




    Wheezing and shortness of breath are main symptoms of bronchial asthma. Patients with asthma show increased superoxide generation from leukocytes, as well as increased lipid peroxidation product, both of which indicate increased oxidative stress. Ascorbic acid an important antioxidative directly neutralizes free radical, thus it is continuously used to maintain a redox state in the lungs of patients with asthma. Hatch et al. suggested that ascorbic acid is the major antioxidant present in the airway surface liquid of the lung and may protect against endogenous as well as exogenous oxidants. Our present finding of the low ascorbic acid level in children with wheezing may be attributed to its normal physiological function elevated utilization to overcome the continuous generation of oxidant radical and also and to neutralize the exogenous oxidant. It has been suggested that ascorbic acid deficiency may be an underlying factor in the pathophysiology of asthma or a response to airway inflammation. Our present findings of low ascorbic acid levels in children with wheezing are in agreement with earlier reports, wherein researchers attributed the decrease in the plasma ascorbic acid level to its normal physiological functions, including its roles in maintaining the body’s defense mechanism and in the integrity, replacement and healing processes of tissues. Destruction of the respiratory mucous membrane during common cold and resulting reduction in the ascorbic acid level in the tissue may further delay the healing of the mucous membrane surface, leading to prolonged symptoms of asthma. A study shows that serum levels of antioxidant vitamins decrease in patients with asthma, even during asymptomatic periods of the disease, and thus this decrease is not totally dependent on the increased oxidative stress, as reflected by lipid peroxidation products.



    Wheezing andshortness of breath are main symptoms of bronchial asthma. Asthmatics showedPatients with asthma show1 increased superoxide generation from leucocytesleukocytes,as well as increased lipid peroxidation  product, indicatingboth of whichindicate increased oxidative stress. Ascorbic acid an important antioxidative 2directly neutralizes free radical, thus  itis continuously utilizedused to maintain the a redoxstate oflung in the lungs of patients with 3asthma.Hatch et al.suggested that ascorbic acid is the major antioxidant substance present inthe airway surface liningliquid4 of the lung,and may protect against endogenous as well as exogenous oxidants. Our presentfinding thatof the low ascorbic acid causedlevel in children with5 wheezing in children couldmay be attributed toits normal physiological function, elevated utilization to overcome the continuousgeneration of oxidant radical and also and to neutralize theexogenous oxidant. It has been suggested that ascorbic acid deficiency may be either anunderlying factor in the pathophysiology of asthma or a response to asthmaticairwaysairway inflammation. Our present findingsof  lowascorbic acid  levels  in children with wheezingchildrenis are in agreement with the earlierreportsof, wherein researchers who attributedsuch kindof loweringthe decrease in the plasma ascorbicacid level inplasma to its normal physiological function i.e.,functions,including its utilizationroles in maintaining themaintenanceof body’s defense mechanism, tissue  and in the integrity and,replacement and healing process. processes of tissues. 6Destructionof the respiratorymucous membrane during common cold and resulting reduction ofinthe tissueascorbic acid,  level in the tissue 7mayfurther delay in the healing of the mucous membranesurface,leading to prolonged symptoms of asthma. A study shows that serum levels of antioxidantvitamins aredecreaseddecrease in the sera of asthmatic patientswithasthma, even during the asymptomatic periods of thedisease, and thus this decrease is not totally dependent on the increasedoxidative stress, as reflected by lipid peroxidationproducts.

    1. [単語の選択]アカデミックライティングでは、糖尿病患者、てんかん患者、統合失調症患者、喘息患者などのように、人とその状態を同一視するような偏った表現は避けています。例えば、diabetic, epileptic, schizophrenic, asthmaticなどです。このように、"patients with asthma "という表現を使うことが望ましいです。
    2. [訳抜け]重要な情報が抜けています。
    3. [言語]わかりやすさと関連性を重視した言葉選びの強化
    4. [SME]誤った用語を使用したため、専門的な正確さに欠けています。「airway surface lining」というのは、裏にガス状の物質が存在するはずがないので、正しくありません。
    5. [誤訳]意味が変わってしまい、作者の意図した事を伝えていませんでした。
    6. [明確さ]文章がよりよく言い換えられ、読みやすくなっています。
    7. [専門用語の選択]正しい専門用語が使用されています

    Bronchial asthma mainly manifests as wheezing and shortness of breath. Patients with asthma show increased superoxide generation from leukocytes and increased lipid peroxidation products, both of which indicate increased oxidative stress. Ascorbic acid is an important antioxidant that directly neutralizes free radicals; therefore, it is usually used to maintain a redox state in the lungs of patients with asthma. According to Hatch et al., ascorbic acid is the major antioxidant in the airway surface liquid of the lungs and may protect against endogenous and exogenous oxidants. We found that the presence of a low ascorbic acid level in children with wheezing may be attributed to its normal physiological function and increased utilization to overcome the continuous generation of oxidant radicals and to neutralize exogenous oxidants. Therefore, ascorbic acid deficiency may be an underlying factor in the pathophysiology of asthma or a response to airway inflammation in patients with asthma. Consistent with our findings, other studies have also reported a low ascorbic acid level in children with wheezing; these researchers have attributed the decrease in the plasma ascorbic acid level to its normal physiological functions in maintaining the body’s defense mechanism and in the integrity, replacement, and healing processes of tissues. Destruction of the respiratory mucous membrane during common cold and the consequent decrease in tissue ascorbic acid levels may further delay the healing of the mucous membrane surface and result in prolonged asthma symptoms. A study reported decreased serum levels of antioxidant vitamins in patients with asthma, even during the asymptomatic period of the disease. Therefore, this decrease does not completely depend on increased oxidative stress, as reflected by lipid peroxidation products.


    Wheezing Bronchia asthma mainly manifests as wheezing 1and shortness of breath are main symptoms of bronchial asthma. Asthmatics showedPatients with asthma show2 increased superoxide generation from leucocytesleukocytes, as well as and increased lipid peroxidation  products, indicatingboth of which indicateincreased oxidative stress. Ascorbic acid is an important antioxidative 3that directly neutralizes free radicals; thustherefore,it is continuously usually 4utilizedused to maintain the a redoxstate of lung in the lungs of patients with 5asthma. According to Hatch et al. suggested that., ascorbic acidis the major antioxidant substance presentin the airway surface liningliquid6 of the lungs, and may protect against endogenous as well as and exogenousoxidants. Our present findingWe found that the presence of a that of the low ascorbic acid causedlevel in children with7 wheezing in children couldmay be attributed to its normal physiological function, and elevatedincreased utilization to overcome the continuous generation of oxidantradicals8 and also and9 to neutralize the exogenous oxidants.It has been suggested that Therefore10 ascorbic acid deficiency may be either anunderlying factor in the pathophysiology of asthma or a response to asthmatic airways11airway inflammation. Our in patients with asthma. Consistent with our present findings of , other studies have also reported a low ascorbic acid  levels  in children with wheezing; children is are inagreement with the earlier reports of, wherein these researchers havewho attributedsuch kindof loweringthe decrease in the plasma ascorbic acid level in plasma to its normal physiological function i.e.,functions, including its utilizationroles in maintaining the maintenance of body’s defense mechanism,tissue  and in the integrity and,replacement and healing process. 12processes of tissues. 13Destruction of the respiratorymucous membrane during common cold and resulting reduction ofin the consequent decrease in tissue ascorbic acid,  level14s in the tissue mayfurther delay in the healing of the mucous membrane surface,leadingand result in to prolonged asthma symptoms of asthma. A study shows that reported decreased serum levels of antioxidant vitamins are decreaseddecrease in the sera of asthmatic patients with asthma, even during the asymptomaticperiods of the disease, and thus.Therefore,15 this decrease is does not totally dependentcompletelydepend on the increased oxidative stress, as reflected bylipid peroxidation products.

    1. [SME]「bronchial asthma」が研究のベースとなる中心的なトピックであるため、より強調されるように文章が再構成されています。
    2. [単語の選択]アカデミックライティングでは、糖尿病患者、てんかん患者、統合失調症患者、喘息患者などのように、人とその状態を同一視するような偏った表現は避けています。例えば、diabetic, epileptic, schizophrenic, asthmaticなどです。このように、"patients with asthma "という表現を使うことが望ましいです。
    3. [訳抜け]重要な情報が抜けています。
    4. [単語の選択]読みやすさを向上させるために、より的確な単語の選択がなされました
    5. [言語]わかりやすさと関連性を重視した言葉選びの強化
    6. [SME]誤った用語を使用したため、専門的な正確さに欠けています。「airway surface lining」というのは、裏にガス状の物質が存在するはずがないので、正しくありません
    7. [誤訳]意味が変わってしまい、作者の意図した事を伝えていませんでした。
    8. [冠詞][文法]冠詞の正しい使い方と主語と動詞の一致
    9. [接続詞][文法]「and」などの接続詞が必要です
    10. [フローと転換後]アイデアの流れをスムーズにするために、however, therefore, moreoverなどの転換語を使うことができます。このような使い方をすることで、段落内のアイデアや原稿全体の一貫性を高めることができます。この例では、論理的な流れと全体的な明快さを高めるために、移行語「due」を追加していることに注意してください。
    11. [SME]限定詞句は、より専門的な言葉の選択を用いて文を完成させるために使用されています。
    12. [コンマ][句読点]接続詞の前のコンマの使用
    13. [明確さ]文章がよりよく言い換えられ、読みやすくなっています。
    14. [専門用語の選択]正しい専門用語が使用されています
    15. [言語]アイデアの流れをスムーズにするために、however, therefore, moreoverなどの転換語を使うことができます。このような使い方をすることで、段落内のアイデアや原稿全体の一貫性を高めることができます。この例では、論理的な流れと全体的な明快さを高めるために、転換語「due」を追加しています。



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