



リボザイム(別名:RNA酵素または触媒RNA)は、生化学反応を触媒するRNA粒子である。Thomas CechとSidney Altmanは、1980年代に初めてリボザイムを発見し、その後その触媒特性に関する研究を続けた。Thomas Cechは、Tetrahymena thermophila(テトラヒメナ・サーモフィラ)のリボソームRNA遺伝子中のリボソームRNAにおけるイントロンのスプライシングが細胞抽出物の付加なしで起こることを発見した。Sidney Altmanらは、活性tRNAの前駆体の修飾に関与する酵素である、細菌のRNアーゼPを発見した。しかし、この酵素には、タンパク質の他に、タンパク質成分なしでtRNA前駆体の切断を刺激してtRNAへの成熟を促すことができるRNAが含まれることが認められた。さらに、Thomas Cechは、RNAのイントロン配列が開裂してホスホジエステル結合を再形成する可能性があるとの結論に達した。彼らは上記の成果により1989年にノーベル化学賞を受賞した。天然のリボザイムは、自己のホスホジエステル結合の加水分解を触媒するとともに、アミノトランスフェラーゼ活性も触媒し、さらには、他のRNAの加水分解も触媒する。それらがリボザイムと称される理由は、酵素と同等の特異性を有し、RNAに属することにある。ただし、リボザイムは、以下の点で酵素と異なる。

1) 酵素と異なり、リボザイムは特異的なpHおよび温度を必要としない。
2) リボザイムはヌクレオチドから成る。
3) リボザイムは、活性部位や触媒部位のような明確に定義された領域を持たない。
4) リボザイムは非常に少量の物質に作用することができるが、その一連の作用は、酵素と比較して限定的である。





    What came first: DNA or protein? The discovery of ribozymes and the RNA world hypothesis have provided a new perspective to this question. Before the discovery of the ribozymes, enzymes were the only known natural catalysts.

    Ribozymes (also known as RNA enzymes or catalytic RNA) are RNA particles that catalyze biochemical reactions. Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman, who first discovered ribozymes in the 1980s, subsequently studied their catalytic properties. Cech found that when additional cell extract was absent, the introns in ribosomal RNA in ribosomal RNA genes in Tetrahymena thermophila underwent splicing. Altman and his colleagues discovered bacterial RNase P, an enzyme responsible for converting precursor tRNA to its active form. However, in addition to proteins, the enzyme contained RNA that could stimulate the cleavage of precursor tRNA into tRNA in the absence of the protein component. Cech concluded that the intron sequence of the RNA could cleave and reform phosphodiester bonds. Cech and Altman won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for this in 1989. Natural ribozymes catalyze the hydrolysis of their own phosphodiester bonds and other RNA sequences. They also catalyze aminotransferase activity of the ribosome. Despite possessing enzymatic activity, ribozymes differ from other enzymes because of the following reasons:

    1) Unlike enzymes, ribozymes do not require a specific pH and temperature to function.
    2) They consist of nucleotides.
    3) They do not have well-defined regions, such as active and catalytic sites.
    4) They can act on extremely small amounts of substances but perform a more limited set of instructions.

    To date, many natural ribozymes have been discovered and several artificial ribozymes have been synthesized. Because of their abilities, ribozymes have been investigated for applications as therapeutic agents and biosensors in addition to their functions in genomics and gene discovery.



    What came first the DNAor protein? DiscoveryThe discovery ofribozymes and the hypothesis of RNA world has given this question another dimension. EnzymeBefore thediscovery of the ribozymes, enzymes was the only known naturalcatalyststo the discovery of ribozymes. . 1

    Ribozymes (also known as RNA enzymeenzymesor catalytic RNA) are RNA particles that catalyze biochemic reaction.2biochemicalreactions. Thomas Cech and Sidney 3Altman were the first to discoverribozymes during the 1980s and later went on later toinvestigate thetheir catalyticproperties. Thomas Cech found that splicing of introns in a ribosomal RNA in the ribosomal RNA gene in Tetrahymena thermohila were found to occurthermophila occurred4in the absence of additional cell extractextracts. SidneyAltman and his colleagues, separated discovered 5thebacterial RNase P, an enzyme responsible for changing aconvertingprecursor tRNAto its active tRNA form6.However,it was found that in addition to the proteinproteins, the enzymealso containedRNA that could stimulate the cleavage of precursor tRNA into tRNA in theabsence of theprotein component. Also, ThomasIn addition, Cech gave the conclusionconcludedthat the intron sequence of the RNA can breakcould cleaveand reform phosdiesterphosphodiesterbonds.7 They won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for the same thing in 1989. Natural ribosomes ribozymes 8catalyzethe hydrolysis of their own phosphodiester bonds. They also catalyze the aminotransferase activity. They also Further, they catalyze the hydrolysis of the other RNA. RibozymesThey are so calledtermed as ribozymes becausethey actare as specificas enzymesin terms of their specificity and belong to RNA. However, they aredifferent from enzymes because of the following reasons:

    1)Unlikeenzymes, ribozymes do not require a specific pH and temperature.

    2)Ribozymesconsistsof nucleotides.

    3)They do nothave well-defined regions, such as active site andcatalyzedcatalytic sites.

    4)They can acton a verysmall amounts of substances but perform a more limited set of instructionsactions.

    A number ofMany ribozymes have been discovered till date. The discovery of naturally occurringribozymes is increasing, along with whichthe synthesisof several artificial ribozymes have also been synthesized. Due to. Because of theirabilities, ribozymes have been investigated forapplications as therapeutic agents and biosensors as well as and ingenomicsfunctions and discovery ofgenes.

    1. [明確さ]この文章はぎこちなく、意図した意味を伝えていません。そのため、より一貫性のある文章に変更しました。
    2. [スペル]専門用語は正しく表記されていました
    3. [訳抜け]著者のファーストネームの抜け
    4. [不正確なスペル][SME]不正確なスペルを修正しました。この用語は微生物の学名であるため、斜体で表記しました。
    5. [単語の選択][明確さ]誤った単語を使用したため、意味が変わりました。このケースでは、"separated "という用語は専門的に正確ではありません。 そのため、" discovered "を使用しています。
    6. [SME]文章構造を専門的な観点からよりよく言い換えて、翻訳の意図する意味をより分かりやすく伝えている
    7. [専門用語の選択]SMEによると、単語の選択は不正確です。"Break "は "cleave "として使用できます。また、"Phosphodiester "のスペルミスを修正しました。
    8. [誤訳]アカデミックライティングでは、情報を正確に表現することが求められます。この例では、" ribosomes "は細胞小器官を、" ribozymes "は触媒となるRNAを意味しています。誤訳は正確に修正されました。

    What came first DNA or protein? The discovery of ribozymes and the hypothesis of RNA world has given this question another dimension. Before the discovery of the ribozymes, enzymes was the only known natural catalysts.

    Ribozymes (also known as RNA enzymes or catalytic RNA) are RNA particles that catalyze biochemical reactions. Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman were the first to discover ribozymes during the 1980s and later went on to investigate their catalytic properties. Thomas Cech found that splicing of introns in ribosomal RNA in the ribosomal RNA gene in Tetrahymena thermophila occurred in the absence of additional cell extracts. Sidney Altman and his colleagues, discovered the bacterial RNase P, an enzyme responsible for converting precursor tRNA to its active form. However, it was found that in addition to proteins, the enzyme contained RNA that could stimulate the cleavage of precursor tRNA into tRNA in the absence of the protein component. In addition, Cech concluded that the intron sequence of RNA could cleave and reform phosphodiester bonds. They won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for the same thing in 1989. Natural ribozymes catalyze the hydrolysis of their own phosphodiester bonds. They also catalyze the aminotransferase activity. Further, they catalyze the hydrolysis of other RNA. They are termed as ribozymes because they are as specific as enzymes and belong to RNA. However, they are different from enzymes because of the following reasons:

    1) Unlike enzymes, ribozymes do not require a specific pH and temperature.
    2) Ribozymes consist of nucleotides.
    3) They do not have well-defined regions, such as active and catalytic sites.
    4) They can act on very small amounts of substances but perform a more limited set of actions.

    Many ribozymes have been discovered till date. The discovery of naturally occurring ribozymes is increasing along with the synthesis of several artificial ribozymes. Because of their abilities, ribozymes have been investigated for applications as therapeutic agents and biosensors as well as in genomic functions and discovery of genes.


    What came first: the 1DNA or protein? DiscoveryThe discoveryof ribozymes and the RNA world hypothesisof RNA world hashave provided a new perspective togiven this question another dimension.EnzymeBefore thediscovery of the ribozymes, enzymes waswere the only known natural catalysts to thediscovery of ribozymes. 2.

    Ribozymes (also known as RNA enzymeenzymesor catalytic RNA) are RNA particles that catalyze biochemic reaction.biochemical reactions.3 Thomas Cech and Sidney 4Altman, who were the first to discoveredribozymes duringin the 1980s,and later went on later to investigatesubsequently studied thetheircatalytic properties. Thomas 5Cech found that when additional cell extract was absent, the splicing of introns in a ribosomal RNA in the ribosomal RNA genes in Tetrahymena thermohila were found to occur Tetrahymena thermophila 6underwent splicing occurredin the absence of additional cell extractextracts.Sidney Altman and hiscolleagues, separated discovered 7thebacterial RNase P, an enzyme responsible for changing aconvertingprecursor tRNAto its active tRNA form8.However,it was found that in addition to the proteinproteins,the enzyme alsocontained RNA that could stimulate the cleavage of precursor tRNAinto tRNA in the absence of the protein component. Also, ThomasIn addition, Cech gave the conclusionconcludedthat the intron sequence of the RNA can breakcould cleave andreform phosdiesterphosphodiesterbonds. 9They Cechand Altman10   won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for the same thingthis11in 1989. Naturalribosomesribozymes 12catalyze the hydrolysis oftheir own phosphodiester bonds. They also catalyze and other RNA sequences. They also catalyze the aminotransferase activity of the ribosome13. They also Further, they catalyze the hydrolysis of the other RNA. RibozymesThey are so calledtermed as ribozymes becausethey actare as specificas enzymesin terms of their specificity and belong to RNA. However,14Despite possessing enzymatic activity, they are differentribozymes differ from otherenzymes because of the following reasons:

    1)Unlikeenzymes, ribozymes do not require a specific pH and temperature to function.

    2)RibozymesconsistsThey consistof nucleotides.

    3)They do nothave well-defined regions, such as active site and catalyzed sitecatalytic sites.

    4)They can acton a veryextremly small amounts of substances but performa more limited set of instructions.

    A number ofTo date, mMany natural ribozymes have been discovered and severalartificial ribozymes have been synthesized 15till date. The discovery of naturally occurring ribozymes isincreasing,along with whichthe synthesisof several artificial ribozymes have also been synthesized. Due to. Because of theirabilities, ribozymes have been investigated forapplications as therapeutic agents andbiosensors as well as in genomicsgenomicaddition to their functionsin genomics and gene discovery of genes.

    1. [コロン][句読点]どちらも独立したフレーズなので、この句読点は、コロンの前の文章を強調するために使われます。
    2. [明確さ]この文章はぎこちなく、意図した意味を伝えていません。そのため、より一貫性のある文章に変更しました。
    3. [スペル]専門用語は正しく表記されていました
    4. [訳抜け]著者のファーストネームの抜け
    5. [SDI/ スタイル]著者のフルネームは最初の参照時にのみ使用されます。ファイル内でさらに使用する場合は、姓を使用する必要があります。
    6. [不正確なスペル][SME]不正確なスペルを修正しました。この用語は微生物の学名であるため、斜体で表記しました。
    7. [単語の選択][明確さ]誤った単語を使用したため、意味が変わりました。このケースでは、"separated "という用語は専門的に正確ではありません。 そのため、" discovered "を使用しています。
    8. [SME]文章構造を専門的な観点からよりよく言い換えて、翻訳の意図する意味をより分かりやすく伝えている
    9. [専門用語の選択]SMEによると、単語の選択は不正確です。"Break "は "cleave "として使用できます。また、"Phosphodiester "のスペルミスを修正しました。
    10. [明確さ]曖昧な代名詞の使用は避けてください。
    11. [明確さ]曖昧な代名詞の使用は避けてください。
    12. [誤訳]アカデミックライティングでは、情報を正確に表現することが求められます。この例では、" ribosomes "は細胞小器官を、" ribozymes "は触媒となるRNAを意味しています。誤訳は正確に修正されました。
    13. [SME] フレーズは、適切な技術的関連性を用いて完成されています。
    14. [冗長性][反復性]この情報は、文脈上必須ではなく、すでに本文中で伝えられているため、削除しました。
    15. [言語]この文章は、より明確に、読みやすいように言い換えられています。



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