In Brazil, when initiating the patent application process, the application documents are submitted to the Agency for Industrial Property Rights ( INPI in Portuguese abbreviation ), which requires at least a written application, a detailed statement, scope of claims, a summary and a certificate of payment for the application fee. In the event that these requirements are not met, INPI will issue an examiner ’ s notice regarding the scheme. The applicant must respond to this within 30 days. Failure to respond to the notification will result in the application being invalid and withdrawn.
According to the Brazilian Industrial Property Act, submitted patent applications can be made public in the disclosure of unexamined patent applications 18 months after the filing date. However, considering that there are many backlogs ( unprocessed portions ) of patent applications held by INPI, it is common for patent applications to be released in approximately two to three years. During the period from the date of publication of the pending patent application to the end of the examination, third parties and applicants may submit their opinions to support the examination.
The applicant must file a request for examination of the application within 36 months of the application date. Failure to file a request for review within 36 months will result in the application being withdrawn. However, the applicant may recover the withdrawn application by paying the prescribed fee within 60 days from the withdrawal date. If the applicant fails to comply with this deadline, it will be confirmed that the application has been withdrawn.
In addition, the applicant may file an amendment for the specification and the draft scope of the claim by the time the applicant submits the examination invoice to clarify or clarify the details of the submitted application. Nevertheless, any corrections should be limited to corrections that were first disclosed at the time of application. Once a request for review has been submitted, such amendment will not be accepted if the amendment may alter or expand the scope of protection of the subject stated in the claim in any decision of the applicant or in any of the examiner 's notices. In this respect, only corrections are accepted that restrict the object stated in the claim.
During the review period, two types of official notifications are issued : a notification by the examiner and a non-final notification about the reason for refusal. The applicant must respond to these notices within 90 days from the date of publication of the pending patent application.
Simply put, an examiner 's notice generally consists of formal requirements, such as breaching clarity requirements or supporting requirements. In the event of a last-minute notice of the reason for refusal, the application may be rejected. This typically occurs because you violate patentability requirements, such as novelty or lack of invention. There is no limit to the number of official notifications that can be issued. INPI announces its decision to grant or reject a patent in the publication of an unexamined patent application, thereby terminating the examination process.