


1.1 形態素
1.2 語彙素
語彙素は、語彙的意味の抽象的な単位で、性、時制、数値、人に関連する文法情報を反映するために、語尾変化(接尾辞など)を加えることができます。例えば、give、gives、giving、givenと gaveは、単一の語彙素(つまり、一つの意味実体)を形成します。語形変化のない単語単位は語彙素と言います;また、語形変化が最小または全くない単語単位はレンマと呼ばれます。
1.3 複合語
Wikipediaの定義を借用すると、言語学では、複合語は、複数の語彙素で構成される語彙素(単語)です。複合語には次の 3 種類があります。1)内心複合語、ABはBのインスタンス(例えば、teaspoon);2)外心複合語、ABはAでもBでもなく、ABに関連したC(例えば、birdbrain);3)連結または結合複合語、ABはAとBの組み合わせ(例えば、producer-director)。




    1. Introduction
    Morphology is the branch of linguistics that studies morphemes (the smallest units of linguistic form and meaning) and how they constitute words. Despite the fact that words are generally accepted as being the smallest units of syntax, it is clear that in most languages words can be related to other words by rules. The rules produce specific patterns regarding the way words are formed from smaller units and how these interact in speech. Thus, morphology is the branch of linguistics that studies patterns of word formation, and attempts to construct a language’s grammar based on the knowledge of its speakers.
    1.1 Morphemes
    A morpheme is the smallest unit of language that has linguistic form and semantic meaning. In spoken language, morphemes comprise phonemes (the smallest unit of sound/speech); whereas, in written language, graphemes (the smallest written unit representing sound/speech) compose morphemes.
    1.2 Lexemes
    A lexeme is an abstract unit of lexical meaning to which inflections (e.g., suffixes) can be added to reflect gender-, tense-, number-, and person-relevant grammatical information. For example, give, gives, giving, given, and gave form a single lexeme (that is, one meaning entity). A word unit with all of its inflections is called a lexeme, moreover, a word unit having minimal or no inflection is called a lemma.
    1.3 Compounds
    Using the Wikipedia definition, in linguistics, a compound is a lexeme (a word) that consists of more than one other lexeme. There are three types of compounds—endocentric compounds where AB is an instance of B (e.g., teaspoon); exocentric compounds where AB is neither an A nor a B but a C associated with AB (e.g., birdbrain); and copulative compounds where AB is A and B (e.g., producer-director).




    Morphologyis the branch of linguistics that studies morphemes (the smallest units oflinguistic form and meaning) and how they constitute words. Despite the factthat words are generally accepted as being the smallest units of syntax, it isclear that in many most 1languages wordscan be related to other words by rules.  The rules display produce some clear kind ofspecific patterns in regarding 2theway words are foromed3 from smallerunits and how these interact in speech.? Thus, morphology isthe branch of linguistics that studies patterns of word formation, and attempts to construct a language’s grammar based on theknowledge of the its speakers of those languages4.

    1.1 Morphemes

    A mMorphemeis the smallest linguistic unit of language that haslinguistic form and semantics meaning. In oral spoken language,morphemescomprise phonemes (the smallest unit of sound/speech) make up morphemes5; whereas,6 in written language,graphemes (the smallest written unit representing sound/speech) compose mor phemes…. .


    Alexeme is anabstract unit of a wordlexical meaning7 towhich inflections (e.g., suffixes) can be added to reflect gender-, tense-, number-, andperson-relevant grammatical information. For example, give, gives,giving, given, and gave form a single lexeme (that is,one meaning entity). A word unit with all of its inflections is called alexeme, moreover, a word unit having minimal or no inflection is called alemma.

    1.3 Compounds

    Using the wW8ikipediadefinition,iInlinguistics, a compound is a lexeme (a word) that consists of more than oneother lexeme. There are three types of compounds—An endocentriccompounds where AB is an instance of B (e.g., teaspoon); exocentriccompounds where AB is neither an A nor a B but a C associated with AB (e.g., birdbrain);and copulative compounds where AB is A and B (e.g., producer-director).

    1. [インパクト・チェンジ][正確性]原文では、Manyではなく、"most "の言語を示しています。正確な意味を伝えるために修正しました。
    2. [明確性][言語]より明確にするために、言い回しを変え、言葉の選択を改善しました。
    3. [誤字脱字][スタイル/SDI]誤字脱字を修正しました。
    4. [明確性][言語]より明確にするため、言い換えました。
    5. [正確性][翻訳][明確性]原文をよりよく反映させるために言い換えました。
    6. [訳抜け][正確性][インパクト・チェンジ]原文の通り、違いを強調するために用語を追加しました。
    7. [専門用語の選択][SME]文脈に応じて正確な意味を伝えるために、正確な用語を使用。
    8. [大文字][スタイル/SDI]オリジナルのスタイルに合わせるための変更。

    1. Introduction
    Morphology is the branch of linguistics that studies morphemes (the smallest units of linguistic form and meaning) and how they constitute words. Although words are generally accepted as being the smallest units of syntax, it is clear that in most languages words are related to other words by rules, which result in specific patterns regarding the ways that words are formed from smaller units and how they interact in speech. Thus, morphology studies patterns of word-formation, and attempts to construct a language’s grammar based on the knowledge of its speakers.
    1.1 Morphemes
    A morpheme is the smallest unit of language that has linguistic form and semantic meaning. In spoken language, morphemes comprise phonemes (the smallest unit of sound/speech); whereas, in written language, they are constituted by graphemes (the smallest written unit representing sound/speech).
    1.2 Lexemes
    A lexeme is an abstract unit of lexical meaning to which inflections (e.g., suffixes) can be added to reflect gender-, tense-, number-, and person-relevant grammatical information. For example, give, gives, giving, given, and gave form a single lexeme; they are all forms of the same entity and share the same root meaning. The set of words with all of its inflections is called the lexeme; however, at the root of each lexeme is a lemma, which is a word unit with minimal or no inflection and constitutes the canonical or citation form of a set of words that share the same lexeme.
    1.3 Compounds
    Using the Wikipedia definition, in linguistics, a compound is a word that consists of more than one lexeme. There are three types of compounds: 1)endocentric compounds whereby the compound serves the same linguistic function as one of its parts, such that AB is an instance of B (e.g., teaspoon); 2) exocentric compounds in which the compound fulfills a new function, such that AB is neither an A nor a B but rather a C associated with AB (e.g., birdbrain); and 3) copulative or combination compounds whereby AB is a combination of A and B (e.g., producer-director).



    Morphologyis the branch of linguistics that studies morphemes (the smallest units oflinguistic form and meaning) and how they constitute words. Despite the fact thatAlthoughwordsare generally accepted as being the smallest units of syntax, it is clear thatin many most languageswords can bearerelated to other words by rules,2 which result in.  The rules display produce some clear kind ofspecificpatterns inregarding 3the ways that words are foro4med from smallerunits and how these they interact in speech.? Thus, morphology is the branch of linguistics that5 studies patterns of word formation, and attempts toconstruct alanguage’s grammar based on the knowledge of the its speakers of thoselanguages6.

    1.1 Morphemes

    A mMorphemeis the smallest linguistic unit of language that has linguistic form and semantics meaning. In oral spoken language,morphemes comprise 7phonemes (the smallest unit of sound/speech) make up morphemes; whereas,8 in written language, they are constituted by graphemes (the smallestwritten unit representing sound/speech) composemorphemes…. .


    Alexeme is anabstract unit of a wordlexical meaning9 towhich inflections (e.g., suffixes) can be added to reflect gender-, tense-,number-,and person-relevant grammatical information. For example, give,gives, giving, given, and gave form a singlelexeme; they are all forms of the same entity andshare the same root (that is, one meaning entity)10.A The set ofwords unit with noall of its inflections is called a the lexeme; moreoverhowever, at the root of each lexeme is a lemma, which is a word unit having with minimal or no inflection is called a lemma. andconstitutes the canonical or citation form of a set of words that share thesame lexeme.11

    1.3 Compounds

    Using the wW12ikipediadefinition,iInlinguistics, a compound is a lexeme (aword) that consists of more than one other lexeme. There are three types of compounds—13: 1)An endocentric compounds whereby the compound serves the same linguistic function as oneof its parts, such that AB is an instance of B (e.g., teaspoon);2) exocentric compounds in which the compound fulfills a new function, such that14 where AB is neither an A nor a B but rather 15a C associated with AB (e.g., bird brain);and 3) copulative or combination compoundswhereby AB is a combination of A and B (e.g., producer-director).

    1. [インパクト・チェンジ][正確性]原文では、Manyではなく、"most"の言語を示しています。正確な意味を伝えるために修正しました。
    2. [フロー&流暢さ][言語]流れや構成をより良くするために、文章を言い換えたり、組み合わせたりしています。
    3. [明確性][言語]より明確にするために、言い回しを変え、言葉の選択を改善しました。
    4. [誤字脱字][スタイル/SDI]誤字脱字を修正しました。
    5. [繰り返し][言語]繰り返しを避け、読みやすさを向上するために削除しました。
    6. [明確性][言語]より明確にするため、言い換えました。
    7. [正確性][翻訳][明確性]原文をよりよく反映させるために言い換えました。
    8. [訳抜け][正確性][インパクト・チェンジ]原文の通り、違いを強調するために用語を追加しました。
    9. [専門用語の選択][SME]文脈に応じて正確な意味を伝えるために、正確な用語を使用。
    10. [明確性][言語]「1つの意味を持つエンティティ」が十分に明確ではなかったため、明確性を高めるために言い換えました。
    11. [SME][正確性][明確性][言語]全体像を把握し、定義を明確にするために、情報を言い換え・追加しました。
    12. [大文字][スタイル/SDI]オリジナルのスタイルに合わせるための変更。
    13. [スタイル/SDI]本文中で合計数(ここでは3つ)が記載されている場合は、読者が容易に読むことができるように、数字を使って項目をリストアップすることが推奨されているため、数字を追加しました。
    14. [フロー&流暢さ][言語]より良い流れと理解のために情報を追加し、用語と例がよりよく結びつくようにしました。
    15. [文法][読みやすさ]文章の構成や読みやすさを考慮して追加しました。



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