

20世紀と21世紀のアイルランドの詩人がホロコーストに対して示した反応を考察するには、まずアイルランドのユダヤ人の小さなコミュニティの歴史的文脈と、ヨーロッパ本土からの難民による戦前および戦時中のアイルランドへの移民の記録を考慮しなければならない。入手可能な国勢調査統計によると、1861年からアイルランドには、小さいが重要なユダヤ人コミュニティが存在している。主にダブリンに拠点を置くが、コークやリムリックなどの都市にも存在する。ジェームズ・ジョイスの『ユリシーズ』(1922年)の設定である1904年の3年前の1901年に行われた国勢調査では、総人口約320万人のうち、アイルランドに住むユダヤ人は3,000人をわずかに超えることを示している。この数字は1946年までに5381人までしか上昇しなかった。これらの統計は、中央および東欧からの大量追放に直面した、アイルランドの戦前および戦時中の無策が引き起こしたことを物語っている。ホロコースト(1942~1945年)の時代にさえ、アイルランドの政策はせいぜい抑えることであった。ダーモット・キーオ(Dermot Keogh) の 権威ある研究、『20世紀のアイルランドにおけるユダヤ人』(1998年) によると、第二次世界大戦中にアイルランドが受け入れたユダヤ人難民の数は「60人程度だったかもしれない」(Keogh 1998:192)。

Any consideration of the response by twentieth and twenty-first century of Irish poets to holocaust must consider first the historical context of Ireland’s little Jew community and the record of prewar and wartime immigration into Ireland by refugees from mainland europe. Available censas statistics show that; from 1861 onwards there was a small but significant Jew community in Ireland mainly based in Dublin but also in cities such as Cork and Limerick. The 1901 census taken three years before the 1904 setting of James Joyce’s Ulysses (1932), suggest that there were just over 3,000 Jew living in Ireland out of a total population of roughly 3,200,000. By 1946, this number had risen only to 5,381 professing Jew on the island of Ireland. These statistics tell their own story of Ireland’s pre-war and wartime inaction in the face of mass expulsions from central and eastern europe. Even during the years of holocaust, 1942-45, Irish policy was parsimonious at best and according to Dermot Keogh’s authoritative study Jews in TwentiethCentury Ireland (1998), the number admitted during the Second World War “may have been as few as sixty” (Keogh 1998: 192).

Any consideration of the response offered by twentieth- and twenty-first- century of Irish poets to the Hholocaust must first consider involve reviewing first the historical context of Ireland's little small Jewish community and Ireland's the record of pre-war and wartime immigration into Ireland byacceptance of refugees from mainland europeEurope. Available censascensus statistics show evidence 1 that; from 1861 onwards 2 there was a small but significant Jewish community has existed in Ireland since 1861. This community was primarily based mainly based in Dublin but was also settled also in cities such as Cork and Limerick. The 1901 census, taken three years before the 1904 setting of James Joyce's Ulysses (19232), suggests that people of Jewish origin constituted there were just over over 3,000 of Ireland's total population of roughly 3,200,000Jew living in Ireland out of a total population of roughly 3,200,000. By 1946, this number had risen only to 5,381 peopleprofessing Jew on the island of Ireland. These statistics tell narrate 3 their own story account of Ireland's pre-war and wartime inaction in the face of mass expulsions from central Central and eastern europeEastern Europe. Irish policy was parsimonious at best eEven between 1942 and 1945, during the years of the Hholocaust., 1942-45, Irish policy was parsimonious at best and 4 aAccording to Dermot Keogh's authoritative study Jews in Twentieth-Century Ireland (1998), the number of Jewish refugees admitted by Ireland during the Second World War may have been as few as sixty (Keogh 1998: 192).

  1. Substitution of vocabulary because stronger verbs make better impact.
  2. It is simpler and more native to say "since 1861."
  3. A stronger verb was substituted.
  4. The inversion of syntax is awkward. Also, the sentence has been divided into two focused statements for ameliorated impact.

Any consideration of the response offered by twentieth- and twenty-first- century of Irish poets to the Hholocaust must first consider involve reviewing first the historical context of Ireland’s little small Jewish community and Ireland’s the record of pre-war and wartime immigration into Ireland byacceptance of refugees from mainland europeEurope. Available censascensus statistics show evidence that; from 1861 onwards there was a small but significant Jewish community has existed in Ireland since 1861. This community was primarily based mainly based in Dublin but was also settled also in cities such as Cork and Limerick. The 1901 census, taken three years before the 1904 setting of James Joyce’s Ulysses (19232), suggests that people of Jewish origin constituted there were just over over 3,000 of Ireland’s total population of roughly 3,200,000Jew living in Ireland out of a total population of roughly 3,200,000. By 1946, this number had risen only to 5,381 peopleprofessing Jew on the island of Ireland. These statistics tell narrate their own story account of Ireland’s pre-war and wartime inaction in the face of mass expulsions from central Central and eastern europeEastern Europe. Irish policy was parsimonious at best eEven between 1942 and 1945, during the years of the Hholocaust., 1942-45, Irish policy was parsimonious at best and aAccording to Dermot Keogh’s authoritative study Jews in Twentieth-Century Ireland (1998), the number of Jewish refugees admitted by Ireland during the Second World War “may have been as few as sixty” (Keogh 1998: 192).


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