カカオ豆を被包する粘質物は、手作業または機械的に除去することができる。しかし、機械的な処理には特殊な機械が必要となり、第三世界の国々の伝統的なカカオ農家にとってはコスト高となる。一方、粘質性の果肉には、ブドウ糖、果糖、ショ糖、ペントースなどの糖化合物が含まれており、これらは微生物の増殖に適した基質となることがある。カカオ豆の発酵過程では、特定の微生物がペクチン分解酵素を分泌し、粘液質の化学構造を破壊することで、果肉の化学的除去や粘質物の排出が達成される。酵母は、果肉の分解過程において重要な役割を果たす。カカオ果肉は、Saccharomyces cerevisiae(出芽酵母)などの酵母によって容易に発酵し、アルコール飲料へと変化する。特に、S. cerevisiae var. Chevalierはペクチン分解活性を有することが報告されている。酵母はまた、クエン酸利用により果肉や豆の酸度を低下させる。酵母の代謝による二次生成物(有機酸、アルデヒド、ケトン、高級アルコール、エステルなど)やグリコシダーゼの生成は重要である可能性が高く、豆やチョコレートの品質に影響する可能性がある。しかし、これらの潜在的に重要な影響は、これまで文献上で見過ごされてきたため、さらなる調査が必要である。カカオ豆発酵の品質向上のために微生物スターターを添加することは、以前から研究されている。KustyawatはS. cerevisiae、Lactobacillus lactis、およびAcetobacter acetiを含む混合スターター培養物の添加について研究しており、AwayはSaccharomyces、Acetobacter、Lactobacillus、およびStreptococcusのスターター培養物の添加について研究している。
The removal of part of the mucilage surrounding the cocoa beans can be done manually or mechanically. The mechanical process, however, requires special machinery that may be too expensive for traditional cocoa farmers in third world countries. On the other hand, the mucilagous pulp contains sugary compounds such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, and pentose, which could be good substrate for microbial growth. Indeed, during the fermentation process of the cocoa bean a number of particular microorganisms secrete pectinolytic enzymes that break the chemical structure of the mucilage, resulting in the chemical removal of the pulp or draining of the mucilage. Yeasts have been reported to play a significant role in the pulp degradation process. Cocoa pulp can be readily fermented by yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, producing an alcoholic beverage. S. cerevisiae var. Chevalieri in particular, has been reported to have the pectinolytic activity. Yeast is also suggested to decrease pulp and bean acidity through the utilization of citric acid. The secondary products of yeast metabolism (e.g. organic acid, aldehydes, ketones, higher alcohols, esters) and glycosidase production are likely to be significant and should impact the quality of the beans and chocolate. However, these potentially important influences previously have been overlooked in the literature and require further investigation. The addition of microbial starter to cocoa bean fermentation in order to improve the quality of the fermentation process has been researched elsewhere. Kustyawat studied the addition of a mixed S. cerevisiae, Lactobacillus lactis, and Acetobacteraceti starter cultures. Away studied the addition of Saccharomyces, Acetobacter, Lactobacillus, and Streptococcusstartercul.
Manual or mechanical removal of tThe removal of part of the mucilage surrounding the cocoa beans can be done manually or mechanicallyis possible. The m, but the mechanical process, however, requires special machinery that may be not be affordabletoo expensive for traditional cocoa farmers in third world countries1 . Conversely,On the other hand, the mucilaginous pulp of cocoa bean contains sugary compounds such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, and pentose, which could be good substrates2 for microbial growth. Indeed, dDuring the cocoa bean fermentation process of the cocoa bean, a number of particular microorganisms secrete pectinolytic enzymes that break cleave 3 the chemical structure of the mucilage, resulting in the chemical removal of the pulp or drainainge of the mucilage. Reportedly, yeast playsYeasts have been reported to play a significant role in the pulp degradation process4 . In fact, Cocoa pulp can be readily fermented by yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, readily ferment cocoa pulp and produceproducing an alcoholic beverage. In particular, S. cerevisiae datetime=alieri in particular, has been reported to have the pectinolytic activity. Yeast is also suggestedmay also to decrease pulp and bean acidity through the utilization ofby utilizing citric acid. 5 The secondary products of yeast metabolism (e.g., 6 . organic acid, aldehydes, ketones, higher alcohols, and esters) and glycosidase production are likely tomay be significant and should impactaffect the quality of the beans and chocolate. However, this potential impact remains understudiedthese potentially important influences previously have been overlooked in the literature and requires further investigation. The addition of a microbial starter to cocoa bean fermentation in order to for improvinge the quality of the fermentation process has been researched studied elsewherepreviously. Kustyawat studied the useaddition of mixed starter cultures, includinga mixed S. cerevisiae, Lactobacillus lactis, and Acetobacter aceti. �starter cultures. Away studied the effect of addition of starter cultures of Saccharomyces, Acetobacter, LactobaThe sentence has been rephrased to avoid wordiness with the use of appropriate words cillus, and Streptococcusstartercul.7
- Two sentences have been joined together here to present the intended information in a more concise manner.
- More than one substrate is being referred to in the former part of the sentence. Therefore, the plural form (substrates) is appropriate here.
- The correct technical term has been used to align with the tone of the file.
- The sentence has been rephrased to avoid wordiness with the use of appropriate words
- The tense has been revised to ensure parallelism and better flow-transition
- In American English, a comma is used after the abbreviations i.e. and e.g.
- The has been restructured with the use of correct word choice to improve clarity
Manual or mechanical removal of the mucilage surrounding cocoa beans is possible, but the mechanical process requires special machinery that may be not be affordable for traditional cocoa farmers in third world countries. Conversely, the mucilaginous pulp of cocoa bean contains sugary compounds such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, and pentose, which could be good substrates for microbial growth. During cocoa bean fermentation, particular microorganisms secrete pectinolytic enzymes that cleave the chemical structure of mucilage, resulting in chemical removal of the pulp or drainage of the mucilage. Reportedly, yeast plays a significant role in the pulp degradation process. In fact, yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae readily ferment cocoa pulp and produce an alcoholic beverage. In particular, S. cerevisiae var. Chevalier has pectinolytic activity. Yeast may also decrease pulp and bean acidity by utilizing citric acid. The secondary products of yeast metabolism (e.g., organic acid, aldehydes, ketones, higher alcohols, and esters) and glycosidase production may be significant and affect the quality of the beans and chocolate. However, this potential impact remains understudied and requires further investigation. The addition of a microbial starter to cocoa bean fermentation for improving the quality of the fermentation process has been studied previously. Kustyawat studied the use of mixed starter cultures, including S. cerevisiae, Lactobacillus lactis, and Acetobacter aceti. Away studied the effect of addition of starter cultures of Saccharomyces, Acetobacter, Lactobacillus, and Streptococcus.