Currently, there is growing number of well-known predictors of malignancy of the thyroid nodules including a solid fixed formation that is detected by physiological examination, rapid growth and large size of the site, tracheostomy, dysphagia or lymphadenopathy, irradiation in the history of low doses of radiation of the head and neck in infancy, age less for 20 years and more than 70 years and male gender. Detection of thyroid tumors, characterized by benign course and favorable prognosis, can significantly reduce the number of surgical interventions. However, there are cases where the potential of malignancy of the tumor can not be determined. In this case, alternative diagnostic methods are required. These may include the detection of BRAF and RAS spot mutations, PAX8 / PPAR? and RET / PTC translocation, but given the high cost of research data and relatively low sensitivity, these methods are not always suitable for routine diagnostics. The determination of the level of serum hormones may be cheaper and faster. This review is devoted to the assessment of the current concept on thyroid stimulating hormone role in development and progression differentiated thyroid cancer, namely papillary thyroid carcinoma. Numerous studies demonstrated the significance of high (TSH) in thyroid nodes malignisation and progression associated with rapid growth, aggressiveness and metastasis development. Many authors find this test useful for distinguishing benign and malignant thyroid tumors and suggest that it may be used as an auxiliary in the diagnostics. However there some authors who did not find any relationship between TSH and thyroid cancer. Finally, there is a growing body of investigations demonstrating the opposite relations between TSH levels and thyroid malignancies. Genetic studies also are in favor of the reciprocal association between the level of TSH and the development of thyroid cancer.
Currently,there is growing number of there are several well-knownpredictors of malignancy of the thyroid nodule malignancys; theseinclude including a solid, fixed formation tumors that is are detected by on physiological examination, rapid growth, and large sizeenlargementof the site, tracheostomy, dysphagia, or lymphadenopathy, history of irradiation with in the history of low doses of radiation toof the head and neck during infancy, age less for <20 years and or more than >70 years, and male gender. 1 Detection Timely 2 detection ofthyroid tumors, that are characterized by a benigncourse and favorable prognosis,can significantly reduce the number of surgical interventions required.However, in somethere are cases, where the malignant potential of malignancy of the tumor cannotcan not be determined and. In this case,alternative diagnostic methods are required. These such asthose mayinvolving include thedetection of BRAF and RAS spot point mutations and,PAX8/ / PPAR γ? and RET/ / PTC translocations arerequired. [A3] However, , but given thehigh cost of genetic testingresearch data 4 and relatively lowsensitivity, these methods are not always suitable for routine diagnostics. DeterminationThe determination of the levelof serum hormone levelshormones may be cheaper more cost-effective and yield faster results. This review is devoted to the assessesmentof the role ofcurrent concept on thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)5 role in the development and progression of differentiated thyroidcancer, namely papillary thyroid carcinoma. Numerous studies have demonstrated reported the significance of high (TSH)level in themalignization of thyroid nodulesnodes malignisation and disease progression associated with rapidgrowth, aggressiveness,and metastasis development6 .. Many authors have found TSH levelfind this test to be useful for distinguishing between benign andmalignant thyroid tumors and have suggested that it may can 7 be used as an auxiliary diagnosticbiomarker for thyroid tumors.in the diagnostics. However,8 theresome authors havewho did not fouindany no relationship correlation between TSH level and thyroid cancer. Finally, there is a growingbodyof investigations evidence on opposing associationsdemonstrating the opposite relationsbetween TSH levels and thyroid malignanciescancers. Nevertheless, some geneticGenetic studies support also are in favor of the presence of a reciprocal association between TSHthe levels of TSH and the development of thyroidcancer development.
- The entire sentence has been reworded to ensure conciseness and avoid overuse of words.
- A modifier term is added to enhance the accuracy of the sentence.
- Here, the text has been revised to join two sentences for better flow and for brevity.
- A contextual edit has been made by gauging the intent of the author and for relativity.
- As per the academic writing rule, the abbreviated term has been defined at the first usage.
- From the technical perspective, it is incorrect to say "metastasis development."" The revision has been made to ensure that the correct term is retained.
- The use of "suggest" and "may" in the same sentence is redundant in this context as both words denote a possibility.
- A comma should be used after transition words such as therefore, however, moreover, nevertheless, hence.
Currently, there are several well-known predictors of thyroid nodule malignancy; these include solid, fixed tumors that are detected on physiological examination, rapid growth, enlargement of the site, tracheostomy, dysphagia, lymphadenopathy, history of irradiation with low doses of radiation to the head and neck during infancy, age <20 years or >70 years, and male gender. Timely detection of thyroid tumors that are characterized by a benign course and favorable prognosis can significantly reduce the number of surgical interventions required. However, in some cases, the malignant potential of the tumor cannot be determined and alternative diagnostic methods such as those involving the detection of BRAF and RAS point mutations and PAX8/PPARγ and RET/PTC translocations are required. However, given the high cost of genetic testing and relatively low sensitivity, these methods are not always suitable for routine diagnostics. Determination of serum hormone levels may be more cost-effective and yield faster results. This review assesses the role of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in the development and progression of differentiated thyroid cancer, namely papillary thyroid carcinoma. Numerous studies have reported the significance of high TSH level in the malignization of thyroid nodules and disease progression associated with rapid growth, aggressiveness, and metastasis. Many authors have found TSH level to be useful for distinguishing between benign and malignant thyroid tumors and have suggested that it can be used as an auxiliary diagnostic biomarker for thyroid tumors. However, some authors have found no correlation between TSH level and thyroid cancer. Finally, there is growing evidence on opposing associations between TSH levels and thyroid cancers. Nevertheless, some genetic studies support the presence of a reciprocal association between TSH levels and thyroid cancer development.