

白金/モルデナイト系ゼオライト触媒のSEM画像を図2に示すが、この図から触媒が均一な形態(モルフォロジー)であることが分かる。触媒活性には、表面積が重要な役割を果たす。表面積が大きいと、反応物質の吸着性が向上する。触媒の表面積は、BET 表面分析で測定した。白金/モルデナイト系ゼオライトの表面積は 296.69 m2/g であった。白金/モルデナイトのXRDパターン(図3)は、2θ = 6°〜30°に最も強い回折ピークを示し、ゼオライトのMOR構造とその良好な結晶性が確認された。

白金/モルデナイト触媒を用いて、純粋なn-ペンタンおよびペンタン異性体の二元混合物中のn-ペンタンの異性化反応を幅広い実験条件で実施した。水素化変換生成物は、異性化生成物と分解生成物の両方からなる。以下のサブセクションでは、純粋な n-ペンタンをフィードとした場合の触媒性能に反応パラメータがどのように影響するかについて、触媒活性と異性化選択性によって実証する。次に、二元混合系での n-ペンタンの異性化について説明する。

n-ペンタン の転化率を反応温度の関数として図4に示す。H2環境における150℃から350℃の温度範囲で大気圧での反応である。この触媒は、特に220℃~350℃の温度範囲でn-ペンテンの異性化が大きく作用をしていることがわかる。180℃以下では触媒の活性が低くn-ペンタンの反応性が低いため、n-ペンタンの転化率は無視できるほど低い。180℃から220℃に温度を上げるとn-ペンタンの転化率は大きく上昇したが、さらに温度を上げると転化率が低下する。これは、180℃~220℃の範囲になると、反応に活性化できるサイトの数が増えるためと考えられるが、高温では熱力学的な制約があるため、温度を上げると転化率が低下し始める。つまり、温度を上げると常に反応速度が速くなる。低温では、反応速度が低いため、実際の転化率は平衡転化率を大きく下回ることになる。一方、高温では反応速度が速いので平衡転化が容易になる。

Figure 2 shows the Pt/mordenite zeolite catalyst the SEM micrography. The image indicates the catalyst has a homogeneous morphology. The surface area is key in the catalyst activity. Higher surface area improves the reactant adsorption. The catalysts surface area was measured by BET. The surface area of Pt/mordneite zeolites were 296.69 m2/gm. The XRDs pattern of Pt/mordenite zeolite (Figure 3) exhibits the most intense diffraction peaks at 2θ = 6 - 30o, and it thus confirmed structure of zeolite as the MOR as well as its crystalline nature being good.

The hydroisomerizetion of pure n-pentane and n-pentane in a binary mixture of pentane isomers was performed by the Pt/mordenite catalyst for wide ranges of experimental conditions. The hydrological conversion products comprise of both isomerization and creaking products. Hence the following subsections tell reaction parameters effects with the catalytic performance of pure n-pentane as feed are demonstrated by catalytic activity and isomerization selectivity. after this, the isomerization of npentane in the bi mixture is discussed.

Figure 4 shows the conversion of npentane as a function of reaction temperature. The tests were performed inside H2 at temperatures ranging from 150 - 350 °C and atmosphere pressures. It clearly shows that the catalyst showed a high catalysing activity for the isomerization of npentene, particularly in the temperature ranging in 220-350 ° C. Because of the low activity of the catalyst and the low reactivity of n-pentane, the conversion of n-pentane is negligible from temperatures below 180 °C. By increasing the temperature at 180 to 220 °C, the conversion of n-pentane rose greatly; however, a further increase in temperature slowly rises conversion. This can be caused by an increasing the number of sites which can be activated for the reaction when the temperatures increases in the range from 180 - 220 °C; but, the rate of conversion increase declining because of thermodynamic restriction at bigger temperature. In other words, an increasing temperature always means increaseing reaction rate. Thus at low temperatures the actual conversion will be far below the equilibrium conversion because low reaction rate. On the contrary at higher temperatures the equilibrium conversion will be more easy because of a high reaction rate.

Figure 2 showsA scanning electron microscopy 1 image of the Pt/mordenite zeolite catalyst is shown in Figure 2, which the SEM micrography. The image °indicates that the catalyst morphology has a is homogeneous morphology. High surface area improves the reactant adsorption, thus The surface area is playing a key role °in the catalystic activity. 2 Higher surface area improves the reactant adsorption. >The catalysts surface area of the Pt/mordenite zeolite catalyst was measured by Brunauer°Emmett°Teller °BETsurface analysis. The surface area of Pt/mordneite zeolites were was3  296.69 m2/gm4 . 5 The X-ray powder diffractionXRDs pattern of Pt/mordenite zeolite (Figure 3) exhibits the most intense diffraction peaks at 2θ = 6° - °30°o,, and it thus confirmed confirming the MOR structure of zeolite as the MOR as well as its good crystalline nature being good.

The hydroisomerizetion of pPure n-pentane and n-pentane in a binary mixture of pentane isomers wereas hydroisomerized performed by using the Pt/mordenite catalyst for under a wide ranges of experimental conditionss. The hydrological -conversion products comprise6 yielded of both isomerization and creaking cracking products7 . Hence In the following subsections, tell the effects of reaction parameters effects with on the catalytic performance of pure n-pentane as the feed are demonstrated by based on catalytic activity and isomerization selectivity. after thisThen, the isomerization of n-pentane in the binary mixture is discussed in the last part of this section.

Figure 4 shows the conversion of n-pentane8  as a function of reaction temperature. The tests reactions were performed in an side H2 environment at temperatures ranging from 150 °C - ° to 350 °C9  atnd atmosphere pressures. It clearly shows that tThe catalyst is seen to strongly catalyze the showed a high catalysing activity for the isomerization of n-pentene, particularly in the temperature range ofing in 220°C-°350 ° C. Because of the low activity of the catalyst and the low reactivity of n-pentane, the conversion of n-pentane is negligible from at temperatures below 180°C. By increasing the temperature at from 180°C to 220°C, the conversion of n-pentane rose greatlyincreased significantly; however, a further increasing thee in temperature further results in a slowly rises conversion. This can be caused byattributed to an increasing increase in the number of sites which that can be activated for the reaction when the temperatures increases to be in the range from of 180°C -° 220 °C; buthowever, the conversion rate of conversion increase begins to declining decrease as the temperature increases because of thermodynamic restrictions at bigger high temperature. In other words, an increasing the temperature always results in means a faster increaseing reaction rate. Thus aAt low temperatures, the low reaction rates cause the actual conversion will to be far below the equilibrium conversion because low reaction °rate10 . On the contraryIn contrast, at higher temperatures the equilibrium conversion will be more easyis easily achieved because ofdue to11  a the high reaction rate.

  1. The abbreviated term was defined as it is used only once in the text.
  2. The sentence was restructured to improve the flow-transition and readability
  3. The subject-verb agreement requires the use of singular past tense "was" here since surface area is singular. Please note that "were" is a plural conjugation.
  4. BET surface area is typically specified in area per unit of mass or bulk volume. We suggest that "gm" should be "g" at this instance.
  5. Clarity was lacking due to the type of catalyst not being specified in the first sentence. In the second sentence, it was clarified. This is somewhat awkward and not generally preferred in scientific writing, The two sentences were rephrased and combined to convey information in a clearer manner with better flow.
  6. The proper use for"Consist" is " to consist of" whereas for"Comprise" it is just "Comprise(s)." For example, "the soups comprise vegetables."
  7. The sentence was revised to avoid the redundant usage of the word "products"
  8. Typically, n-pentane is written with a hyphen. Also, since you used a hyphen earlier, the notation or spelling should be the same throughout the document.
  9. To express ranges, the preposition pairs from" to and between" and are used.
  10. Both active and passive voices can be used to write clear and coherent research articles in scientific writing. Although many scientists overuse the passive voice, most scientific journals (e.g. Science and Nature) actually encourage active voice.
  11. Note that "because of" modifies a verb, but "due to" modifies a noun (or pronoun).

A scanning electron microscopy image of the Pt/mordenite zeolite catalyst is shown in Figure 2, which indicates that the catalyst morphology is homogeneous. High surface area improves the reactant adsorption, thus playing a key role in the catalytic activity.. The surface area of the Pt/mordenite zeolite catalyst measured by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface analysis was 296.69 m2/g. The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of Pt/mordenite zeolite (Figure 3) exhibits the most intense diffraction peaks at 2θ = 6°–30°, thus confirming the MOR structure of zeolite as well as its good crystalline nature.

Pure n-pentane and n-pentane in a binary mixture of pentane isomers were hydroisomerized using the Pt/mordenite catalyst under a wide range of experimental conditions. The hydro-conversion yielded both isomerization and cracking products. In the following subsections, the effects of reaction parameters on the catalytic performance of pure n-pentane as the feed are demonstrated based on catalytic activity and isomerization selectivity. Then, the isomerization of n-pentane in the binary mixture is discussed in the last part of this section.

Figure 4 shows the conversion of n-pentane as a function of reaction temperature. The reactions were performed in an H2 environment at temperatures ranging from 150°C to 350°C at atmosphere pressure. The catalyst is seen to strongly catalyze the isomerization of n-pentene, particularly in the temperature range of 220°C–350°C. Because of the low activity of the catalyst and the low reactivity of n-pentane, the conversion of n-pentane is negligible at temperatures below 180°C. By increasing the temperature from 180°C to 220°C, the conversion of n-pentane increased significantly; however, increasing the temperature further results in a slow conversion. This can be attributed to an increase in the number of sites that can be activated for the reaction when the temperatures increase to be in the range of 180°C–220°C; however, the conversion rate begins to decrease as the temperature increases because of thermodynamic restrictions at high temperature. In other words, increasing the temperature always results in a faster reaction rate. At low temperatures, the low reaction rates cause the actual conversion to be far below the equilibrium conversion rate. In contrast, at high temperatures the equilibrium conversion is easily achieved due to the high reaction rate.


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